
Welcome to “WASHITSU” in Japan!!

About Japan (in English)

Hey guys!
How are you?
I’m fine thank you!
I’m Tomo!
Do you remember me?

Of course I don’t mind if you don’t remember me!
so let’s go!

We have had your culture since…

How long have you been using beds?
Oh! What I mean is that about history!

In our case, Japanese are regarded as having been using beds which like you’re using today, since 1963.
In 1926, there was a man in Japan called Takeharu Usami who was son of the Imperial guard of the Meiji Emperor.

When he went to the UK as study abroad, he saw the bed culture and felt attractive it there.
And he tried to spread it to Japan.
That was the beginning of our bed culture like your country.

Before that, we slept without beds in a Japanese-style room called “Washitsu” like the pictures.
“Wa” means peace and “Shitsu” means room by the way.

We use futon as sleeping in the Washitsu.

When we sleep in the Washitsu, we always use futon.
Do you know “futon”?
Hahaha I don’t think you know.

Honestly, “futon” is listed in several English dictionaries but those are very different from the meaning used in Japan.

For example, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary explains the futon as follows.

a Japanese MATTRESS, often on a wooden frame, that can be used for sitting on or rolled out to make a bed

In Japan, futon means just for sleeping tool like a picture below.
Not for sitting.

I think the dictionary explains Japanese cushions which we call “Zabuton”.
This is a Zabuton.

We use futon as sleeping in the Washitsu.

What kind of room is the Washitsu?

The Washitsu always has Tatami.
How about “Tatami”?
Do you know?

Oh my gosh!!
How bad we are at our publicity!!
OK, I’ll tell you that.

What is Tatami?

Tatami is a type of floor material.
But it’s not wood.
Tatami is made from rushes which is kind of plants like the picture above.
You don’t have to worry about animal footprints.

If there is no Tatami in a room, we can’t call the room as Washitsu.
Do you understand what I mean?

So Washitsu always needs Tatami!

Yes! Perfect!!

The current and past of Washitsu

We still use Washitsu, but the number is gradually decreasing.
Most Japanese used to have houses or apartments with Washitsu but number of people have houses without Washitsu are increasing in Japan now.

There are some reasons.
But I think the biggest of them is because some people prefer beds and flooring style to Washitsu.
Especially young Japanese unfortunately…

Will the Washitsu disappear someday?

All things will disapper someday.
Washitsu as well.
But that is not the near future of course!!
Actually there are still many people who likes Washitsu in my country and it’s also evolving.
Don’t worry!

I think young people who doesn’t prefer Washitsu will soon notice charm of the new style of one too.
I’m not worried.

Did you know about Wshitsu more?

You’re amazing!!

I’ll tell you about Japan more more more!
Not enough for me!!
See you soon♪


人気記事イギリス生活 覚悟すべき「たった120個の注意点」